Highland Spring Mineral Water

It's the land that makes Highland Spring water so special. Highland Spring is privately owned catchment area is over one thousand hectares of rolling heather-clad slopes by Blackford in the Ochil Hills, Perthshire.
No farming, agricultural spraying, building or habitation is permitted on the land and it has been kept free from pesticides and pollution for almost three decades. This 'untouched' approach has earned the land organic status and reflects the company's overall commitment to minimizing its environmental impact.
Scotland is renowned throughout the world for its pure, fresh water*, and the careful protection of the land allows Highland Spring to bring you the purest Scottish still and sparkling spring water we possibly can. Perhaps it's the reason Highland Spring is also the most trusted water brand in the UK.**
Thanks to Highland Spring's environmental beliefs, in 2011 Highland Spring was recognized for the seventh consecutive year by The Good Shopping Guide as the No. 1 ethical water brand, scoring an unprecedented 100% rating.
* Source: GfK NOP July 2011.
** Source: GfK NOP July 2011